David Saylor - Senior Pastor

Pastor Saylor has been serving at First Baptist since 1994 and is a graduate of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife Nina have three children and five grandchildren. He enjoys preaching God’s Word expositionally and helping people to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.



José Lopes – Associate Pastor

José Lopes has been serving at First Baptist since 2009 and is a graduate of  Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as Associate Pastor of Worship and Youth.  He has 3 wonderful children and loves good coffee, Mario Kart and worshiping God!


Cindy Todd - Administrative Secretary

Cindy has long been a part of this congregation and served in many ways, including youth mentoring and hospitality ministries. She is a skilled office manager and loves to serve people and help ministries to succeed. You will often find her at the other end of a phone call ready to help.
