We want to partner with you to help your kids love Jesus with their hearts and trust him with their lives.
It really does take a village. Amazing things can happen in kids’ lives when their parents and churches work together. It’s the most important practice in helping kids grow confident in their knowledge of God. When you check your child into First Kids, they’re not being entertained – they’re experiencing Jesus through loving volunteers, engaging lessons, music, and crafts.
Sunday School
We offer a full graded Children’s Sunday School and Nursery presenting age-appropriate children’s curriculum meeting at 9:00 a.m. until 10:10 every Sunday.
NURSERY: Ages birth - 4 years old
PRESCHOOL: 4 years old - Kindergarten
Jr. Worship (during service)
Jr. Worship is designed to create a safe, nurturing and loving environment that reflects God’s love and to come alongside each child to disciple their heart and teach in a way that is age and need appropriate.
This ministry takes place during the 10:30A church worship service for children in Pre-K to Second grade. The children are dismissed after worship time from the sanctuary, and have their own Bible lesson as well as crafts and games.
This is a great way for Children to hear God’s word on their level, and to fellowship with other children.
Kid’s of the King
Kids of the King (KOTK) is our children’s choir. Children from 1st grade to 6th grade serve by learning and leading worship songs both during our services and during special events.
The KOTK rehearse each Sunday night during the school year from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Any children interested in joining are encouraged to contact Brandy Kline, the children’s choir CONTACT Brandy Kline at KIDSOFTHEKING@FBCMAN.ORG
Wednesday Night Awana Club
WEDNESDAYS from 6:15p - 8:00p
Welcome to Awana Clubs! Awana offers a curriculum that teaches kids about Jesus - and have fun doing it!
To REGISTER your child, please click link below and fill out the form for each child. Any questions, feel free to call our Church office at 860-649-7509.
Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of PRESCHOOLERS (3- to 5-YEAR OLDS) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word. In Awana Cubbies, kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards and more. Cubbies has two years of curriculum: Honey Comb and Appleseed.
Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids (K - 2ND GRADE) to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. Ignite kids’ curiosity and build a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.
The T&T (Truth & Training) curriculum teaches (GRADES 3-6) kids the truth of God's Word, trains them to follow Him and practice His grace. Guide kids to a deeper understanding of God’s grace.
Vacation Bible School
July 7-11, 2025 (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
for kids currently in GRADES K-6
Coming to a church near you July 7- July 11, 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Wonder Junction is an Old West themed VBS adventure that will teach kids (those who have completed one year of kindergarten through those who have completed 6th grade) about who Jesus is as they marvel at His birth, His childhood, His ministry, His death and resurrection, and His coming return. It’s all about Jesus and the call for kids to live for His glory.
Watch for sign up announcements as it gets closer to time. All registration will be handled digitally.
Anyone desiring to help, please contact
the church office
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