JULY 21-23, $100

REGISTER HERE:  (details below)

Crosswalk, our yearly summer youth camp, will be in person this year!  Last year Crosswalk was virtual, but this year it will be in person – gathering in 6 locations across New England.

We will be joining all other Connecticut churches for camp at the Harwinton Fairgrounds.  We will have fellowship, recreation, age-graded Bible Study, dinner, 635 and worship!  There will be on site staff and a live worship band, and a simulcast message each day.  

 DAILY AGENDA (Wed July 21 - Fri July 23):

  • Arrive at church for lunch - 11:30am

  • Leave FBC for site - 12:30/45pm

  • Arrival at site - 1:45pm

  • Crosswalk on-site - 2pm - 8:30pm

  • Leave site: 9pm

  • Arrival @ FBC and PICKUP - 10pm 

Students will have lunch @ FBC and Dinner on-site @ Crosswalk each day.  It will be warm and it may rain, so please plan to dress for the warmth.  Modest shorts may be worn for worship.  Students will need masks to wear in the car during transport from FBC and possibly during group times if distancing becomes difficult. 

BCNE is encouraging COVID precautions during the event - Wash hands, limit close contact, wear masks inside buildings, (outside if you prefer or not able to distance - we will be outside for the event), follow guidelines at the site and **anyone with symptoms please, please, stay home**. Temps will be taken daily at each site (as a precaution for this we will take temps at church each day before we leave).  

*Please* make sure to fill out the transport permission slip below and bring it the first day (we will have copies at church to fill out the first day in case) ** PERMISSION SLIP **


  1. Paper bible (no cell phones at the event)

  2. Notebook/pen

  3. Comfortable shoes (for activity)

  4. Bug spray

  5. Sunscreen

  6. Water bottle

We will update with a group text each day as we return to give parents a better heads up on pickup time.  Looking forward to our time together! 

Pastor Jose